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Sunday, November 11, 2007
all this is giving me headaches
i keep having headaches. not just any headache, my head is throbbing and it feels like it's a second away from falling off.
it started last night and it was still there when i woke up this morning. i hoped it would somehow go away, but it didn't. i thought i just need more of my beauty sleep so i slept again. later, i discovered it was silly of me to believe so. gah! fortunately, my mom gave me advil. now, now... why didn't i think of that? stuuupid.
anyway, i have cash. lol. it's from some generous people during my birthday. i don't know what i'm going to buy though. err.. what i'm going to buy first, i mean. there are just so much i want and the money surely won't be enough. i'm choosing between an ipod nano 3rd gen or a watch. hmm.. maybe lotsa books. or rubber shoes. cellphone. dvd's? ugh! god i want lotsa things!
i want books. i've been itching to read something lately. i almost bought "tuesdays with morrie" and the sequel to "on the brighter side i am now the girlfriend of a sex god" (i forgot the title) last time i went to natio. thank god i didn't have money then. >.<
it's 1 am and i still have class tomorrow (or later), but i haven't finished my assignment yet. sht. i hate assignments. i hate school. who doesn't? argh.
lostandconfused lost herself at 7:30 AM