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Saturday, November 10, 2007

emo is gay

let me state for the record that i am NOT emo.

people assume that i am when, seriously, i'm not. i don't know when the teasing started and i don't really care, but word travels fast (since my classmates aren't at all fans of discretion) and before i knew it others already assume that i'm emo. talk about bandwagon!

don't get me wrong. i am not deeply hurt by this labeling (okay, i am somehow... a bit... offended, but definitely not hurt). i just think that it isn't fair for me here.

what is it that makes people think i'm emo? is it because of my taste in music? just because i listen to some bands who make good music doesn't mean i live and bathe their words. is it because i frustratingly write poems? (those words don't even have the slightest resemblance to poetry!) last time i checked, self expression wasn't a crime. my self expression, that is. or is it because i'm an introvert who often allots quality time for my self? if you're looking for a people-person, maybe i can introduce you to my friend karen. but not me. absolutely anyone but me. fact is i'm an avoider. withdrawn. i don't usually do small talk. heheh.. but i'm learning. ha. i'm pretty moody too. but i swear it isn't me. i think it's the hormones doing all these to me. hormones are such pesty lil things.

i am all these and more, and this is my world. you cannot me make pretend to be an entirely different person just to please people. i hate people who have these high expectations from me... those who dictate who i'm supposed to be. i'm supposed to be me, dammit! i'm being me. i don't want to fit into some box of your definition of me.

wtf. i'm ranting, aren't i?

oh well, i don't really care what you think of me. (okay. i care somehow. maybe a bit. but not really.) as long as you stay in your world, then i'll promise to stay in mine.

lostandconfused lost herself at 5:22 AM |